4/ Queering death in the medical and health humanities





thanatology, death studies, queer studies, medical humanities, health humanities


This is part 4 of 6 of the dossier What do we talk about when we talk about queer death?, edited by M. Petricola. The contributions collected in this article sit at the crossroads between thanatology, queer studies, and the medical/health humanities and tackle questions such as: how can queer death studies deconstruct the health-illness binary? How can we rethink the experience of cancer from the perspective of queer death studies? How can this discipline help us focus on “peripheral” deaths like fetal death and pregnancy loss?
The present article includes the following contributions: – Kirey-Sitnikova Y., Bridging queer death studies with public health science; – Böcker J., Queering fetal death and pregnancy loss; – Werner A., Re/orienting to death: queer phenomenology, terminal cancer, and anticipatory regimes; – Tzouva P., Towards a queer death: breaking free of cancerland; – Clay S., A queer account of self-care: autopoiesis through auto-annihilation.




How to Cite

Kirey-Sitnikova, Y., Böcker, J., Werner, A., Tzouva, P., & Clay, S. (2021). 4/ Queering death in the medical and health humanities. Whatever. A Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theories and Studies, 4(1), 653–682. https://doi.org/10.13131/2611-657X.whatever.v4i1.151



Dossier. What do we talk about when we talk about queer death?