“Estoy muy feliz de verte alive”
Acoustics, friendships and archives of transgender and crossdressing performances (Chile and New York, 1990s)
Queer studies, gender performance, sexual dissent, Latin American migration, crossdresser and transgender writingAbstract
In the following article I seek to investigate a hitherto forgotten but emerging aspect of Latin American critical and cultural studies, namely, the migration and diaspora of transgender youth and transvestites from the Southern Cone to the United States for artistic, creative and humanitarian purposes. I say forgotten inasmuch as the sensitivities experienced by the trans prefix were, in the beginning, discarded from the queer or sexual dissidence theories; and I point to it as emerging insofar as the new critical perspectives promoted by emerging researchers have set their sights on such bodies and subjects as true epistemes of contemporary cultural endeavor. The thesis states that transgender sensitivities are fundamental to understand the relationship between the national post-dictatorial period and the cultural productions of the 1990s. The works that artists and writers such as Germán Bobe, Iván Monalisa Ojeda and Francisco Copello carried out during those years allowed us to understand an entire Chilean and Latin American scene of young creators who fought dictatorships and canons with their bodies always accompanied by the sign of sexual dissidence
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