“The world of desire is not as bright as it is believed.” Abjection, body and transvestite agency in Las malas by Camila Sosa Villada
Literature and literary criticism, Camila Sosa Villada, Las Malas, abjection, body, transvestite agencyAbstract
This article examines Las malas (2019), by Camila Sosa Villada. It is intended to show that in this text a complaint is made against the social conditions to which transvestites are subjected, which are considered abject bodies and, therefore, susceptible to being violated, disappeared or discarded. Likewise, we want to verify that this novel presents the transvestite as a being with agency, whose presence not only questions the foundations of the heteropatriarchal system, but also reconfigures some of the sacred institutions of said system, such as motherhood or family.
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